How to Have a Growth Mindset Through Challenging Times

Mynhardt van Pletsen
2 min readNov 1, 2021

As opposed to a fixed mindset, a growth mindset is the first step towards learning new things and becoming a better and improved version of your current self. Change is always possible, however – we need to be open to the possibility of our own future growth.

With a real growth mindset, you don’t just believe this, you live it. As Henry Ford is thought to have said, “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.”

Let go of the past

What has worked up to now will not necessarily work again. Progress always requires novel thinking that informs innovative strategies and tactics. Whether your past was filled with wins or losses, don’t let it dictate your future.

Be curious about the new

Never be intimidated by new and unfamiliar concepts. Be curious about what might be the next revolutionary idea just around the corner. Scrape from the trends what is practical and relevant. Scrap the rest.

Eradicate ego and envy

Don’t stand in your own way. Being pre-occupied with either yourself or others is the best way to stay stuck and stunted. Rather commit to becoming increasingly grateful and generous. To yourself first, and then to others.

Growth requires many variables. However, having a healthy and wholesome growth mindset is the foundation of them all. Grow through insecurity and uncertainty – become the new you rather sooner than later.

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